
Archery is a skill focused on dealing damage to mobs and players using a bow and arrows. This skill offers quality-of-life abilities, but mostly focuses on increasing the player's damage with arrows.

Experience is gained by dealing damage, and scales based on how far the player is from their target. As with all combat stats, decreased experience is awarded for slaying mobs spawned by monster spawner blocks.

Arrow Retrieval (Passive ability) Scales with level

Allows the automatic collection of arrows that were fired at mobs. The arrows are duplicated when they hit mobs, and the duplicate is retrieved from the ground as the arrow entity. This guarantees arrow retrieval each time, as Minecraft doesn't allow retrieval from mobs. Provides an increased chance with each level to return a used arrow to your inventory when it lands, up to maximum 80% at level 100.

Daze (Passive ability, PVP) Scales with level

Has a chance to inflict Nausea and bonus damage when landing a successful shot. At maximum archery level 100, arrows have a 50% chance to Daze the target, with nausea lasting 6 seconds and dealing 4 additional damage. Nausea only affects players and has no effect on non-player mobs.

Limit Break (Passive ability, PvP) Level 1

Adds a damage bonus to your arrows against armored targets, capped at 10 damage at maximum level 100. This is intended to make Protection IV players less tanky and for you to feel more powerful in PvP for having a high skill level. Players with no armor on will not be hit with the extra damage. Instead damage is scaled based upon which armor type the opponent is wearing.

Skill Shot (Passive ability) Level 10

Increases bow and crossbow damage by 10% every 5 archery levels, to a maximum buff of 200% at level 100.

Like every combat skill, any target or set of targets with high total HP makes for a good farm, and if automated properly, a farming strategy to inflate your skill with little effort on your part beyond the setup. Iron golem farms are one of the best examples, and also give iron. You can view how our optimization changes affect these here. Care must be taken in design to not automatically kill the golems before you fire at them. Archery experience is directly related to the damage dealt, so using an enchantment like Power on every bow is recommended if possible. For the same reason, shots from the bow should be fully charged when shooting at farms.

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