
Players are able to trade with one another directly and by creating trade chests. Our server uses only vanilla items as currency.

Quick Guide

Trade chests are a convenient and secure way for players to trade items. This system relies on the Seller to create a trade and to stock the container, but does not require the Seller to be online or nearby, as trades are performed by the server.

Sellers connect a sign to their trade chest, to display each offer and its status. Buyers complete the trade by right-clicking the associated sign, while having items for payment in their inventory. The server places the Buyer's payment in the trade chest, and they receive the Seller's offer in return.

ALL /tradechest commands can be abbreviated. Use alias: /tc Point your crosshair at (look directly at) a trade chest to target it before entering commands.

Done! The green [Trade] tag indicates that your trade chest is working correctly, and has stock to sell. You can add more costs or products by repeating the command(s).

To remove or reset a trade chest, remove the sign.

โคท Trade chest commands

โคท Examples

When making a shop, consider how players will interact with it. You might want to display the items in each trade if you are selling things with extra data such as durations, names, or enchantments. Because trade chests can be used within a land claim, you can safely display your valuables.

Even for normal building blocks, try experimenting with flair in your build to draw players into your shop, or for visual organization. This can improve the shopping experience, and keep players coming back.

Last updated